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Airport ICAO Database

Please note that this airport information is not certified, authorized or suitable for real aviation!

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Click on the link in the 'Airport' column to view the airport in Google Maps at the bottom of the page. You can sort the table by clicking on the headings.

Country County City Airport Latitude Longitude Altitude ICAO IATA
Iraq - Al Asad H1 New N33* 48.9251' E41* 26.2617' 1325.01M Z16L -
Iraq - Al Fathah Al Fathah N35* 8.1008' E43* 43.5459' 630.01M OR1C -
Iraq - Al Iskandariyah New Al Iskandariyah New N32* 58.2332' E44* 16.2250' 134.99M OR0P -
Iraq - Al Muhammadi Al Muhammadi N33* 26.5175' E42* 54.5796' 306.99M OR3X -
Iraq - Al Najaf Al-Ashraf Intl N31* 59.3833' E44* 24.2500' 106.99M ORNI NJF
Iraq - Al Sahra AAF Al Sahra AAF N34* 40.2184' E43* 32.9512' 450.99M ORS2 -
Iraq - Al Taji AAF Al Taji AAF N33* 31.4317' E44* 15.4049' 120.99M ORT4 -
Iraq - Al Taqaddum AB Al Taqaddum AB N33* 20.2833' E43* 35.8244' 274.99M ORAT TQD
Iraq - Al-Anbar Al Asad N33* 47.1366' E42* 26.4720' 617.99M ORAA IQA
Iraq - Ali Base Ali Base N30* 56.1455' E46* 5.4067' 19.99M ORTL -
Iraq - Ar Rumaylah Southwest Ar Rumaylah Southwest N30* 21.2407' E47* 6.4881' 159.99M OR0U -
Iraq - Baghdad Baghdad Intl N33* 15.7523' E44* 14.0746' 114.01M ORBI BGW
Iraq - Balad Southeast Balad Southeast N33* 56.4116' E44* 21.6950' 160.99M ORBD -
Iraq - Baqubah Baqubah N33* 47.7102' E44* 36.1107' 134.99M OR0Y -
Iraq - Bashiqah Bashiqah N36* 29.4092' E43* 20.8070' 1724.99M OR0T -
Iraq - Bashur Bashur AB N36* 32.0380' E44* 20.3870' 2097.01M ORBR -
Iraq - Basrah Basrah Intl N30* 32.9442' E47* 39.7284' 11.01M ORMM BSR
Iraq - Erbil Erbil Intl N36* 14.2834' E43* 56.8000' 1363.01M ORER EBL
Iraq - H2 H2 N33* 21.7726' E40* 35.4604' 1952.01M OR1I -
Iraq - H3 H3 N32* 55.7572' E39* 45.5610' 2549.99M OR1J -
Iraq - H3 Northwest H3 Northwest N33* 4.5536' E39* 35.8168' 2529.99M OR1L -
Iraq - Habbaniyah Habbaniyah N33* 22.5000' E43* 33.7834' 143.01M OR0Q -
Iraq - K1 K1 N35* 30.7704' E44* 17.0647' 981.01M OR1F -
Iraq - K2 K2 N34* 55.0797' E43* 23.3345' 426.01M OR0O -
Iraq - Karbala Karbala Northeast N32* 45.2000' E44* 7.7666' 119.99M Z15N -
Iraq - Khan Bani Sad Khan Bani Sad N33* 35.4746' E44* 35.6907' 119.99M OR0A -
Iraq - Kirkuk Kirkuk N35* 28.1666' E44* 20.9333' 1060.99M ORKK KIK
Iraq - Kut Al Hayy East Kut Al Hayy East N32* 7.0251' E46* 22.9099' 45.01M OR0V -
Iraq - Mosul Mosul Intl N36* 18.3455' E43* 8.8438' 705.01M ORBM OSM
Iraq - Qalat Salih Qalat Salih N31* 27.3895' E47* 17.3438' 45.01M Z15I -
Iraq - Qasr Tall Mihl Qasr Tall Mihl N33* 18.3884' E44* 14.4834' 114.01M OR0S -
Iraq - Qayyarah West Qayyarah West N35* 46.0316' E43* 7.5073' 748.99M ORQW -
Iraq - Radif Al Khafi Radif Al Khafi N31* 55.8666' E42* 8.5334' 1069.99M Z16T -
Iraq - Rasheed Rasheed N33* 16.7399' E44* 29.6485' 105.01M OR1A -
Iraq - Ruwayshid H 3 Highway Strip N32* 50.9122' E39* 18.5800' 2717.01M Z17A -
Iraq - Ruwayshid Ruwayshid N32* 24.3077' E39* 7.7605' 2949.99M OR0C -
Iraq - Safwan Safwan N30* 8.0636' E47* 39.0337' 70.00M OR1M -
Iraq - Sahl Sinjar Sahl Sinjar N35* 51.5785' E42* 8.5492' 984.01M OR1E -
Iraq - Salum Salum N34* 9.8131' E44* 44.8501' 189.99M OR0L -
Iraq - Samarra East Samarra East N34* 9.9378' E44* 15.8611' 206.99M OR33 -
Iraq - Shaykh Mazhar Shaykh Mazhar N32* 57.1513' E44* 38.3322' 84.99M OR0I -
Iraq - Sirsenk Sirsenk N37* 5.7983' E43* 15.5743' 3500.99M OR0M -
Iraq - Subakhu Subakhu N33* 56.0834' E45* 6.0832' 250.01M Z17C -
Iraq - Sulaimaniyah Sulaimaniyah Intl N35* 33.6333' E45* 18.8667' 2491.99M ORSU ISU
Iraq - Tal Ashtah New Tal Ashtah New N35* 8.3125' E44* 8.0132' 625.01M OR0H -
Iraq - Tall Afar Tall Afar N36* 16.9267' E42* 24.2509' 1069.99M OR0F -
Iraq - Tikrit East Tikrit East N34* 36.4952' E43* 46.5530' 315.01M OR1K -
Iraq - Tikrit South Tikrit South N34* 32.1334' E43* 40.6501' 329.99M OR0E -
Iraq - Tuz Khurmatu Tuz Khurmatu N34* 56.0836' E44* 29.0584' 574.99M OR0W -
Iraq - Ubaydah Bin Al Jarrah Ubaydah Bin Al Jarrah N32* 28.9195' E45* 45.4267' 67.99M OR1B -

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 03 November 2024 - 11:10