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Airport ICAO Database

Please note that this airport information is not certified, authorized or suitable for real aviation!

Select a country to see all known airports with their codes and details. For Australia, Canada and the United States the state field is filled in for further refinement. To see all airports for these three countries, select the '-> Show All' option in the state selection box.

Click on the link in the 'Airport' column to view the airport in Google Maps at the bottom of the page. You can sort the table by clicking on the headings.

Country County City Airport Latitude Longitude Altitude ICAO IATA
Afghanistan - Bagram Bagram N34* 56.7483' E69* 15.9554' 4868.01M OAIX OAI
Afghanistan - Bamyan Bamyan N34* 48.6001' E67* 49.2334' 8415.00M OABN BIN
Afghanistan - Bastion Bastion N31* 51.0166' E64* 13.7000' 2914.99M OAZI OAZ
Afghanistan - Chakhcharan Chakhcharan N34* 31.5834' E65* 16.2502' 7475.01M OACC CCN
Afghanistan - Dwyer Dwyer N31* 5.5166' E64* 4.0169' 2417.99M OADY DWR
Afghanistan - Farah Farah N32* 21.7333' E62* 10.1001' 2211.99M OAFR FAH
Afghanistan - Feyzabad Feyzabad N37* 7.1668' E70* 31.1000' 3841.99M OAFZ FBD
Afghanistan - Herat Herat N34* 12.5999' E62* 13.7000' 3289.99M OAHR HEA
Afghanistan - Jalalabad Jalalabad N34* 23.9969' E70* 29.9071' 1840.99M OAJL JAA
Afghanistan - Kabul Hamid Karzai Intl N34* 33.9500' E69* 12.7501' 5877.01M OAKB KBL
Afghanistan - Kandahar Kandahar N31* 30.3524' E65* 50.8676' 3338.01M OAKN KDH
Afghanistan - Kunduz Kunduz N36* 39.9001' E68* 54.6501' 1456.99M OAUZ UND
Afghanistan - Lashkar Gah Bost N31* 33.5999' E64* 21.8999' 2540.01M OABT BST
Afghanistan - Maimana Maimana N35* 55.8334' E64* 45.6665' 2752.01M OAMN MMZ
Afghanistan - Marnah Ghar Marnah Ghar N32* 20.2895' E68* 56.3855' 5557.99M OA1A -
Afghanistan - Mazar-E Sharif Mawlana Jalaluddin Muhammad Ba N36* 42.4166' E67* 12.5665' 1286.99M OAMS MZR
Afghanistan - Qala-I-Naw Qala-I-Naw N34* 59.1499' E63* 7.0667' 2967.99M OAQN LQN
Afghanistan - Qalat Qalat N32* 8.0333' E66* 53.9333' 5382.99M OAQA -
Afghanistan - Salerno Salerno N33* 21.8165' E69* 57.3166' 3831.01M OASL OLR
Afghanistan - Shank Camp Dahlke N33* 55.3166' E69* 4.6834' 6613.99M OASH OAA
Afghanistan - Sharana Sharana N33* 7.5499' E68* 50.3165' 7435.01M OASA OAS
Afghanistan - Sheberghan Sheberghan N36* 45.0469' E65* 54.7897' 1053.01M OASG -
Afghanistan - Shindand Shindand N33* 23.5334' E62* 15.6667' 3779.99M OASD OAH
Afghanistan - Tereen Tarin Kowt N32* 36.3000' E65* 51.8335' 4476.99M OATN TII
Afghanistan - Zaranj Nimroz N30* 57.8000' E62* 3.6333' 1580.99M OANZ -
Afghanistan - Zaranj Zaranj N30* 58.3333' E61* 51.9500' 1591.99M OAZJ ZAJ

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 03 November 2024 - 11:10